The Pamas SBSS - a user perspective

SBSSvidRecently I had the opportunity to use a Pamas SBSS ( Syringe Bottle Sampling System) at a customer. The instrument is the flagship liquid particle counter from Pamas GMBH.

What struck me immediately is how easy the instrument is to use! I am so used to controlling an instrument via software and PC these days, it is almost a novelty to just control the instrument via a touchpad! 

It has a simple menu system that allows the user to operate the instrument directly ( ofcourse normal software control via PC is also possible).

The instrument allows for all the features the user might need to perform a good particle count measurement. Pre-fill of sample, sample volume , number of measurements as well as cleaning options. These settings aere a couple of clicks away from the main display and olny takes a couple of seconds to set-up. This instrument is a firm favourite of our service engineers as features like automatic sample pressurasation and sample degassing prevent bubles forming in the counter making measurements trouble free.

The sample display is easily changed to several diffrent views to suit the user.

The software offers all the features of the direct hardware interface as well as the ability to store results electronically and report results according to various standards.

Contact us if you would like to learn more about this robust benchtop particle count analyser !

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